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  • Saltysyd

    • 61, Canadian
    • 45ft Beneteau Oceanus
    • Checked in 3 years ago
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  • NationalityCanadian

  • Age61

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languages English

  • Qualifications ASA Offshore Passage making

  • Sea Miles 2,500 - 10,000

I have been sailing for about 30 years.
My own boat and various deliveries in local west coast Canadian waters
I have been mostly sailing single handed for the last 7 years

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  • TypeSailing Yacht

  • Make/modelBeneteau Oceanus

  • Length45 feet

  • Berth8

  • Language spoke aboardEnglish

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Keep Looking.


Syd knows all too well what he did to my partner and I, but to all future crew, especially women, keep searching. I am happy to share our story with anyone who is even remotely considering stepping afoot this mans vessel, but this is the second warning you have had, do not be the third. Honorable Mentions: Capone is great, however seemed to struggle to get around towards the end. The boat itself is fine, but expect to spend all your time in the cockpit as the foredeck will almost always have a few piles of dog poo and a fair amount of dog pee will flow down the deck on and run off the sides of the boat - warning - do not hang your clothes or anything else on the lifelines, as the dog pee will get all over it. One of many, many reasons to keep the berth port-light closed is his cigarette ashes will fall onto your sheets during the day and you during the night. If you are still considering joining Syd, please message me first. We learned too late and do not make the same mistake. He has a reputation that has followed him the entire western coastline and now other captains are recognizing him and warning crew. There are so many other routes to go, do not choose this one.

6th Mar 2022



Hard to write as mom said “if you have nothing good to say, say nothing.” Owe it to future women. Signed up for 5 months but lasted 10 weeks - 5 days longer than the other two crew that jumped ship. Wanted to learn to sail, not be cook and cleaner for heavy smoker and neglected dog. I was clear in my discussions that I did not cook, but was expected to make meal plan and first act was captain showed me how to work stove. Captain is master and commander, goes when and where he wants without consultation - made me feel small and under-valued. Safety was priority one which was appreciated - beautiful boat

13th Jan 2022

Two funny months


I have been on this boat as a guest for seven weeks. We cruised the beautiful coast of Baja California Sur with all its little islands from La Paz to Santa Rosalia, before we set over to San Carlos/Guaymas. And I really enjoyed it! I arrived without any previous experience, what never was a problem. I felt safe at any time! Syd and Capone are an awesome and lovely team. Capone is a cuddely, playful, big baby who never gets bored of showing you his toy-collection. Syd is extroverted, talkative and always on for jokes. He enjoys explaining you everything about living on a boat and never get upset when you make failures. He as the captain of course has the last word but there was always room for discussions. When you want to come on this boat, you should like cooking, as this is on you. But you don’t have to be a star-Chef, as Syd was happy for everything brought up, the whole time. He has always appreciated the effort. Ah, Syd is a smoker. So for all smokers: This is one of the few boats you are welcome on. For all nonsmokers: Smoking is only done on Deck, so no smoke downbelow. Dear Syd, thank you for the awesome experience! You have a golden heart!

11th May 2021

A month of learning


My partner and I spent a little over a month on Syd's beautiful Beneteau at the marina in Los Cabos. He taught us a lot about sailing and life and fixing toilets and made our time on the boat a very interesting one. Unfortunately we could only go out sailing a couple of times but Waterfront Poverty glides like a butterfly over the small waves off the coast. And Capone... Capone is just such a sweetheart that I miss incredibly! Definitely going to remember these few weeks!

25th Nov 2020

Story and Song in Strange Times


Syd and his beautiful dog and boat were lovely company during this kind of funny moment in our human history. Syd had no shortage of stories to tell about almost every subject in almost every situation, as any good old salt ought to. My partner and I joined him for a month of boat work docked in San Jose, and it was very very educational. Unfortunately we couldn't stay much longer due to financial concerns (poor planning on our part!) and had to leave to find some jobs in the city. We fell in love with Capone, Syd's guard dog and best friend, practically at first sight. You'll be really sorry to go once you've met that big boy! And the boat was very comfortable, very beautiful, and a joy to experience a little sailing on. If you love storytelling, dogs, boat life and Mexico, go forth and meet ol' captain Syd!

24th Nov 2020

Sailing the Baja Sur peninsula


I joined Syd and Capone in Ensenada 5 weeks ago and fell in love immediately. Capone is a great companion on overnight watches and lovely to hit some deserted beaches with, I’ll really miss him. Syd’s pretty cool too. We’ve shared a lot of laughs and stories and Waterfront Poverty is a very well equipped safe yacht to sail. Syd takes safety and the welfare of his crew very seriously. We had a third crew member join us in Cabo San Lucas who has fitted in really well, testament to Syd’s hospitality. We leave him in two weeks and he deserves more good crew to join him!

15th Feb 2020

Safety First


Only stayed on Syds boat for a couple days, but it was a beautiful boat!!! Unfortunately weather and delays caused problems and we never left the dock. I felt Syd held his crews safety in high regard and wish him well on his journey.

15th Dec 2019

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