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Fluent languages English
Qualifications 1st Aid
RYA Coastal Skipper
RYA Yachtmaster
STCW Fire Fighting
VHF Radio Telephony
STCW Able Seamens
International Certificate Of Competency (ICC)
PADI - Advanced Open Water
Sea Miles 10,000+
As long as it's fun ?

TypeSailing Yacht
Make/modelBeneteau 461
Length14 metres
Language spoke aboardEnglish
Boat description46 foot sloop with three double cabins two heads and one laundry with a washing machine. She holds 800 litres of water, 200 litres of Diesel, all saftey gear, Dinghy with 8hp outboard and me as your Captain/Cook. :-) She's not fast though comfortable and will geat to the destination safely.


7Cruisy Kiwi Aussie Skipper, relaxed and fun!
Alan skippers his yacht with a modesty and relaxed demeanour, while giving an unspoken reassurance and confidence to his crew, in his sailing leadership. Alan achieves this without show boating his extensive knowledge and experience of skippering vessels and mansion crew, in all the vastly challenging variations of sailing at sea. You might only find out some of the vast experience from Alan's terrific story telling over time, as you enjoy one of his many cordon bleu meals, which I became so accustomed to for breakfast, lunch and dinner, that I had to readjust my expectations when going home to my less delicious and exciting meals. Thanks so much for having me on board Alan, for your patience when you needed to gently repeated yourself because I forgot something or misunderstood. For your calmness when weather or boat parking was tricky and for everything I learnt on board Kia Ora; I am most grateful!
21st Dec 2023
Amazing Skipper and Cook
I had the best time, although sadly I wasn't on Kia Ora for as long as I would have liked. The boat and bunks are clean and tidy, you feel right at home straight away. This combined with the fact that Alan is a great skipper and is more than happy to share his knowledge with you and let you learn by doing made it a truly memorable experience. His hosting & food is incredible and he has some amazing stories to share. If you're coming aboard, you have to try alan's painkiller cocktail!! I couldn't recommend Alan more, thanks for a great few days skip.
25th Nov 2023
My best Crewbay experience yet
I am finishing a trip now with Alan, Cairns to Flinders Group near Cape Melville via Lizard Is (return) with several top reef and mangrove creek Anchorage's enroute.. Alan is a highly experienced and very competent skipper who is fun to sail and socialise with. I am completely satisfied that my financial contribution to the trip represents a very good return on investment and my time (3 weeks) was well spent. I would sail again with Alan, no worries, if timing and location work out. Alan knows lots of yachties all over the world. This meant that on this trip we sailed in company with other boats, which we met en route, thus broadening the whole experience. Just do it! It will be fun.
29th Oct 2023
Had the privilege of spending almost a month on board Kia Ora travelling up the Queensland Coast with several overnight passages - Captain Al was relaxed but extremely proficient in the management of the boat at all times. With an adjustable spanner, a screwdriver (& a multimeter :-)), Al could disassemble the entire boat & put it all back together again - he literally knows it backwards :-) He'll also tell you if you're being a numpty, but make sure YOU know all the rules if he tempts you into a round of Monopoly where he's not above exercising 'creativity'. Thanks for all the great food, Al - you deserved a short break after I left! Would love to have completed the trip to Lizard but time was against me - I'm sure it'll go well with your new crew. Life is an adventure - join Al if you can and spend some time listening to his sailing stories from around the world. It was terrific to spend time on the ocean with such an interesting host. Thanks again Alan - it was a memorable and hugely enjoyable trip - hope to join you again when the opportunity arises.
7th Oct 2023
Alan is a very experienced sailor, knows his boat well, and is a master in the galley. My time on Kia Ora was great. Alan was very comfortable sharing duties and letting me have a go at stuff. He is not easily flustered and obviously knows how to live with strangers on a boat in such a way that everyone feels comfortable. Thanks, Alan. I hope to sail with you again.
13th Sep 2023
Everything we hoped for.
spoke to Alan via crewbay and a quick phone call to get a feel for plans. Made arrangements and a rough plan. Very laid back and easy to deal with, we were unsure of how long we could stay on board but that was no problem. Had the best time, fantastic sailing, great company, perfect mix of laid back along with still keeping busy and exploring. We stayed for 6 weeks in the end and will be back on board whenever we have the opportunity. Should also note that Alan is a genius in the kitchen and provisioning, as arranged we made a monetary contribution which would cover our expenses and we ate so well on board. Cant emphasise enough how well we ate every meal, this in itself was value formoney let alone all the amazing places we visited. As a wanna be sailer alan also allowed myself and partner to further our learning and take charge of the boat some days and was a great source of kniwledfe and happy to share. We had a great time and can't wait to come back! All together a great guy and wish you all the best! Ps we just quit our jobs and will be driving north in 2 weeks. Will be in touch! ? Thanks alot Alan
18th Sep 2020


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Brushing up on skills
I sailed with Alan for 2 weeks on Queensland's coast and I really ejoyed both the sailing and the company. Alan manages his vessel and the people with quiet, calm confidence and clarity. We had a bit of unforecast excitement with the weather during which Alan showed the depth and expertise of his seamanship [KiaOra made >9 knots on 2/3 reefed foresail alone]. Alan maximised the opportunities to help me brush up my sailing knowledge and skills, teaching me and reminding me of better ways. It was for me a really good experience. When sailing with Alan you won't go hungry, and he caters perfectly to different tastes and dietary needs without fuss. As other reviews highlight, Alan likes to spoil his guests with good food.
23rd Sep 2024