MOLLIE: Greece to Turkey Feb Mar Feb 2025
Last minute cancellation of two crew so need two more. Novice ok. MOLLIE is a 58’ steel cutter built to class 8 Lloyds and has Cat 1 out of New Zealand. She sails pretty well but doesn't like going to wind. She has a large engine and fuel reserve to allow mo...
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NationalityNew Zealander
Fluent languages English
Qualifications 1st Aid
Short Range VHF / GMDSS
Sea Miles 10,000+
Sailed my yacht twice to the Pacific Islands, done circumnavigations of New Zealand, voyaged to the Sub Antarctic Islands. Mollie is not a racing yacht, but a strong roomy easy riding comfortable boat set up for long voyages.

TypeSailing Yacht
Make/modelGanley Mollie
Length18 metres
Language spoke aboardEnglish
Boat descriptionMollie needs a little wind to get her moving and is most comfortable downwind. Two autohelms, two radars, depthsounder, VHS, AIS and SSB with grib download capacity. Six person liferaft (new), lifejackets with attached lights and locking knifes for all crew, jacklines and safety harnesses. Sea anchor with bridle as well as a Jordon series drogue. Navigation by laptops and CPN. Numerous GPS's, sextant. Good selection of paper charts. Everyone clips on before leaving the pilothouse companionway.


2watch out
This skippers attitude changes real fast once he gets what he wants from you. Strongly recommend you keep your nice girlfriend away from him also, unless you want to be marginalised in front of her. Stay well clear.
18th Aug 2023


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Great experience
Had great few weeks joining the crew on SV Mollie with her captain Lyall from India to Djibouti. Lyall knows his ship as the back of his hand. He is an adventurous and youthful individual. And above all a trustworthy captain who allows his crew to preform better than they began their trip. When one puts in the effort of learning. Mollie is a sturdy ship with all basic essentials that make a safe and enjoyable trip. Hopefully our paths cross again on our journeys. Thank you Lyall (and my crew members Manu and Sam)
26th Mar 2024