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  • Seaman Bernie

    • 32, Germany
    • Germany
    • Checked in 3 hours ago

Looking for position on boat crossing the Atlantic or Carribean to Colombia in spring 2025

Dear Shipmates,

This is Bernie. I'm excited to introduce myself here, hoping to pique your interest and take me with you on a great trip. I am a student of Earth and Environmental Sciences with a fascination and love for our planet Earth. My ocean experiences are based on a multi-day sailing trip around the Whitsunday Islands (Australia) and a 3 weeks winter cruise aboard the science vessel SA Aghullas in the Southern Ocean. Even under rough conditions such as in the Southern Ocean, I am fine and seemingly don't get seasick. The rolling even comforts me into sleep. ;)
I love traveling and the adventures that come with it, which make me feel alive. They allow me to get out of my head and live in the moment. I welcome and enjoy the exciting new experiences that come with traveling. Since the end of my studies, I have been particularly interested in Permaculture and have worked as a volunteer on various farms in Germany and Spain. Permaculture is where I found my answers to the challenges of our time. Its ethics and principles make up a large part of my lifestyle.

Now I am looking for an opportunity for traveling to South America in spring 2025. There I want to explore several countries and do some volunteering. Traveling has always been a great opportunity to get clarity with regards to my next steps in life. So I want to get to know this region of the world, also with a view to living there in the future. In context of my interest in Permaculture I want to gain more experience, especially in the field of syntropic agroforestry, by visiting and volunteering in respective projects.

I would like to travel in a more sustainable and extraordinary way than simply going by plane. Sailing would add that pinch of extra adventure to this undertaking. Escaping the rush of modern life by finding peace in nature while facing the elements and challenging myself are my motivations for making new and meaningful experiences. My idea of sailing and the skills to navigate on the ocean have also something ancestral, thus empowering and comforting to me. Therefore, I am eager to learn or contribute in any way to make this journey worthwhile.


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About me

  • Availability 1st October 2024

  • LocationGermany

  • NationalityGermany

  • Age32

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesGerman, English

  • Basic knowledge ofSpanish

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs Schengen visa (or EU citizenship)

  • Sea miles500 - 2,500

  • Required position Novice Crew
    Voluntary work

  • Location preferenceEurope

  • Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational

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  • Sep 2013 PADI - Open Water Complete

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  • Cooking
  • Microsoft office
  • Scuba diving
  • Surfing
  • Climbing
  • Yoga
  • Tender driving
  • Teaching
  • Cleaning
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