Crew seeking friendly boat
Im a 56 year old retired Swede living in Adelaide, Australia. Im married with 3 kids 2 dogs, 2 cats and the list goes on.. My sailing experience. I sailed the Baltic 4 weeks a year from new born to I was in my 20's. We had a 42 footer in the family that I eventually got to take out by myself. Since back then I have not sailed much at all. I feel confident in boat handling and reading charts etc. But the Baltic is small so I havent done much night sailing. No experience of radar or weather data. I am dreaming of eventually buying my own boat but want to gain more experience of bigger waters before I am comfortable doing that. Absolutely useless with anything mechanical. I have a PADI non teaching instructor certificate. Oh,I forgot, I am a trained chef too:). I am looking to crew a friendly boat in the Pacific who would be willing to help my in my journey to owning my own boat. Fun fact, I do not know a single sailing term in english so that will be interesting in the beginning. Thanks for reading and enjoy your adventure out there.