Looking boats to sail in Central America
Hi, I’m Catalina and with my partner Ezequiel we are looking to sail in Central America. We are 34 and 35 years old. We have more than 5000nm logged. We know how to work with people, how to sail and cook.
Hi, I’m Catalina and with my partner Ezequiel we are looking to sail in Central America. We are 34 and 35 years old. We have more than 5000nm logged. We know how to work with people, how to sail and cook.
Availability 17th December 2023
LocationGeneral (Caribbean)
Fluent languagesSpanish, English
Basic knowledge ofItalian, French
Visible tattoosNo
VISAs Schengen visa (or EU citizenship)
Sea miles2,500 - 10,000
Required position
Competent Crew
Delivery Crew
1st Mate
Location preferenceCentral America
Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational
Feb 2014 PADI - Advanced Open Water Complete
Jun 2022 CYA Competent Crew Complete
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wonderful crew
I crossed the Atlantic as crew together with Cata and Eze and it was really a pleasure to sail with them. The kind of sailors which you don't wanna miss on the boat: They quickly adopt the situations and needs, act very professional, were helpful and worked really hard for the boat and the crew. Never stressed out, kindful and always with a smile around. They have great sailing and navigational skills (e.g. with using spinnaker and modern electronic navigation systems). And the food they prepared was really amazing (especially with all the fishes we caught, like Mahi Mahis, Tunas or our 2m sword fish :) So really all in all best seamenship! Fair winds my friends!
7th Dec 2023