Looking for a Novice Crew, Cook, Masseur or Stew/Deck position
Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a Novice Crew, Cook, Masseur or Stew/Deck. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!
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Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a Novice Crew, Cook, Masseur or Stew/Deck. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!
Availability Available now
Fluent languagesFrench, German, English
Basic knowledge ofSpanish, Portuguese
Visible tattoosNo
VISAs None
Sea miles2,500 - 10,000
Required position
Competent Crew
Location preferenceCentral America
Expected arrangement Recreational
Jan 2005 ASA asic Coastal Cruising Complete
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Great all round!
Florian was relatively new but was a very quick learner, observing every task and quickly becoming useful in it. He was excellent on watch and able to be flexible with the hours as situations arose. He learned our Chartplotter quickly and was fast to spot issues with approaching vessels on AIS or Radar. Additionally, he was always ready for a sail change. And was a useful hand in the galley as well. I gladly recommend him and would sail with Flo again. Great passage Flo, thanks!
5th Jan 2023