Passion breeds professionalism, professionalism brings quality, and quality is a luxury in life.
My name is Konrad (33) and I'm back to this site after a long time, hoping it has changed as I did during last years :)
So shorty about me: Sailing is my passion, big part of my life and a way I love to grow at. For almost 17 years, sailing have been my part-time or a full-time job, but that's much more for me than only a job. During this time I've been working mostly as a skipper/captain, but also an instructor and examiner for PYA licences.
I have sailed most of the EU waters and destinations (From Scotland and Finland to Greece) and some exotic destinations e.g. Caribbean or Asia (Thailand, Malesia).
I have an experience as a charter skipper, but also a delivery Captain for brand new catamarans from 39 to 70 feet LOA with around 30k Nm under the belt.
I have worked as a captain on sailing old timers and as a mate on Tall Ships. (captain in The Tall Ship Races 2024).
I spend 8 years in finances and sales, also as a manager where I learned a lot about communication and people skills.
Personally I'm into music, new destinations, gliding and aircrafts, body/mind/sould growth.
What I'm looking for?
I'm open for a new adventures and projects in my carrer so If You looking for someone who can be Your partner in:
- base/crew managing in some exotic destinations
- boat purchase (consulting, handover, delivery, training)
- personal sail training
- self development events under the sails
- delivery for the vessels >200GT
- professional crew
- any other proposition where I can develop my talent among good people full of passion.
... please don't hesitate to PM me :)
Have a good day!