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  • Ina Ina

    • 34, German
    • Germany
    • Checked in 6 months ago

Looking for a Competent Crew or Deckhand position

Hi everyone, my name is Ina. Ever since crossing the Atlantic in 2014 on different sailing vessels I am passionate about sailing. I have navigated on different kind of monohulls and catamarans sized between 27ft and 60ft. I have solid sailing knowledge and always wish to learn more. My last trips were a cruise down the Portuguese coast and to the Canaries, a passage from Baleares to Sardinia and a roundtrip between Sicily and Lampedusa. I speak fluent German (native), French, Spanish, English and Italian, furthermore some Portuguese.

I will be sailing the Barcolana in Trieste in mid-october and might be interested in joining another boat before or afterwards in October or early November in the area.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationGermany

  • NationalityGerman

  • Age34

  • GenderFemale

  • Fluent languagesGerman, French, Spanish, English, Italian

  • Basic knowledge ofPortuguese

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles2,500 - 10,000

  • Required position Competent Crew

  • Location preferenceMediterranean

  • Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational

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Radio Operator


It was a great pleasure to sail with her. She is expierienced and has many skills. In all maneuvers she knows what happens and thinks ahead. Great help in night watches and she likes to photograph. We sailed two weeks from Mallorca to Cagliari and Olbia and had the opportunity to freeclimb and hike in Sardinia. She‘s an expert in that field, too.

19th Jun 2023

Excellent crew


Ina sailed with me from Lisbon to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. As far as I can tell, she smiled the whole time (even when she was sea sick off Cabo Sao Vicente in a big swell). She's a well travelled lady, and very easy going and adaptable, cheerful, and always willing and happy to help with all aspect of life on board, from cooking and cleaning to helming and manoeuvring. She did several hours of night watch on her own with no issue. It wa!s a real pleasure to have her on board, and I'm sure she'd fit in well with almost any crew. The fact that she's perfectly fluent in four languages is also a big help. An excellent travelling companion.

8th Jan 2023

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