Looking for a Delivery Crew, Competent Crew or Boat sitter position
Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a Delivery Crew, Competent Crew or Boat sitter. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!
Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a Delivery Crew, Competent Crew or Boat sitter. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!
Availability Available now
LocationUnited States
Fluent languagesEnglish
Basic knowledge ofEnglish
Visible tattoosNo
VISAs None
Sea miles2,500 - 10,000
Required position
Delivery Crew
Competent Crew
Mile building
Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational
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Hard working and enjoyable crew
Eric helped me sail from Puerto Rico to Grenada over a 2 week period. He was always eager to lend a hand, take shifts, cook, and offered good advice on anchoring locations. He freely shared his knowledge of local marinas and services, and connected me to his network of knowledgable sailors and friends. I highly recommend Eric as a crew mate!
20th Aug 2023