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  • Gentili

    • 41, Italiana
    • Spain
    • Checked in 1 month ago

Cabo Verde to Açores in May

Hi - I will be sailing from Bijagos archipelago to Azores end of May. Passing from Cabo Verde. Contribution for crewing will be 25 euro per day per person plus food and fuel.

Say hi if you want an Atlantic adventure and milesbuilding on my boat:)

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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationSpain

  • NationalityItaliana

  • Age41

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesEnglish, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles10,000+

  • Required position Captain
    1st Officer
    2nd Officer

  • Location preferenceNorth Atlantic

  • Expected arrangement Professional

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Experienced ocean explorer


I sailed with my partner and Lorenzo from Ibiza to Almería on ‘She III’ and then kept in touch and met up for 17 days island hopping in the Canaries with 2-4 others. For my part I can say we really became friends and a small family on board. Cooking, sailing, swimming and dinghy-sailing, exploring the shore with hikes together and growing ever closer. It was great to crack our more serious ‘adult’ shell and open up to each other and let our inner kid shine. Lorenzo has more then 10 years experience at sea and I learned so much on board: From first night watch to planning weather windows and setting sails, you can learn a lot with a pro-active attitude. Lorenzo tries to not overwhelm beginners with all the options/knowledge all at once, so learn to ask and jump in on the points you want to learn more about and I’m sure you will have an awesome experience like me.

10th Feb 2024

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