Looking for a Sailing opportunity along the Bristish Eastcoast, Orkneys, Shetland and Färöre Islands
I am Interested in a Sailing Journey with a strong and well maintained Monohul Sailing Vessel around Great Britain.
I am Interested in a Sailing Journey with a strong and well maintained Monohul Sailing Vessel around Great Britain.
Availability 1st April 2025
Fluent languagesEnglish, German
Visible tattoosNo
VISAs Schengen visa (or EU citizenship)
Sea miles10,000+
Required position
Competent Crew
2nd Engineer
1st Mate
Location preferenceNorth Atlantic
Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational
Jan 2006 DSV - Seeschifferschein (SSS) Complete
Mar 2000 STCW Radio Communications Complete
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