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  • Greg H

    • 59, Australian
    • Australia
    • Checked in 5 days ago

Looking for sailing, cruising and sharing experiences with new friends.

If I can assist with your travels, please contact me.
59yo retired Aircraft Technician from the RAAF, living in Melbourne with an understanding wife that wants (allows) me to travel.
Married 35 years and still can’t figure out how they work; slow learner?
Conservative by nature and have trouble accepting WOKE at the moment. RSL volunteer.
Dislikes are Bill Shorten, the Collingwood FC and coriander.
Usually out fishing in my trailer boat and participate in several fishing charters each year both here and abroad. Most fishing is catch and release or given to the locals.
East Coast Catamaran and Monohull delivery assists, Tasmania and Great Australian Bight, including maintenance, day and night watch keeping, cooking, cleaning and of course humour.
Great Barrier Reef outer reef journey planning and live aboard passages.
Never smoked, never drugs but enjoys a wine or beer with a meal etc.
Happy to chat if you wish.

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About me

  • Availability 20th January 2025

  • LocationAustralia

  • NationalityAustralian

  • Age59

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesEnglish

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles2,500 - 10,000

  • Required position Delivery Crew
    Mile building
    Competent Crew

  • Location preferenceAustralia / Oceania

  • Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational

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Hoest feedback


Greg is a lovely Guy, He unfortunately was always second guessing. You could tell he had some boating experience however not so much sailing experience. These were basic things like what's the mainsheet etc. Some dinghy sailing would help greg so he knows how to feel what works and what doesn't. Its more difficult on a larger vessel as you dont typically feel all the feedback and things are a lot more subtle. Typically crew members know that they dont own the vessel and go with the lead of the owner of the vessel ie dont just start the engine when the skippers checking oil etc. So we decided to stop off at Mackay instead. I found it difficult to relax around Greg as I was always wary as to what he would do next. Would be more competent on a motor vessel, navigation was okay, engine systems okay, sailing was lacking in experience.

14th Mar 2025

Excellent Crew


Greg sailed with me from Pittwater to Tincan Bay before the CV-19 put a damper on it and Greg departed to be with his family. Greg is excellent on the boat and has good experience sailing as well as a keen fisherman. I highly recommend Greg to anyone and I'd have him back on my boat anytime.

12th Jul 2020

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