Living in the Bay Area with a 30ft Tartan to share with other Queer & Trans folks
Looking for others of varying abilities to crew on our 30ft Tartan and sail around the Bay & Delta and some overnight trips beyond the gate! Queer & Trans BIPOC to the front - youth encouraged. Intergenerational crew aboard Octavia.
I've been living in the Bay Area since 1/2019. I do a bit of work trade, house/boat sitting, pet care ++. If you need any support be in touch!
I was living & working aboard a 90 ft. Theatrical Tall Ship, Amara Zee (see for more details) since Nov. 2016- April 2018 Travelling from St. Petersburg, FL. to New Orleans, LA. to Beaumont, TX along the ICW to Houston, The Ship was shipped to Canada where we did performances in BC July-mid Oct 2017.
April 2016-August 2016 With no prior experience, I crossed the Atlantic (a dream actualized) on Atraxia, a 50 ft long keel, in a shared cost arrangement, leaving Ft. Lauderdale, FL in May 2016. After cruising the Bahamas, Turks & Caicos for a month, we made passage to Bermuda (8 days) & then Azores (15 days), then Portugal (7 days). In total I lived aboard for 3 months. Bringing with me my desire to fulfill a dream, face fears, love of the sea, sustainable/alternative travel, respect for the cruising lifestyle & background in Psychology, Communications, organizing, logistics, management & wilderness field guide +++ I feel confident in being able to say that I am able to fulfill the following roles on your S/V or M/V combining my previous experiences & work with the experience I had on Atraxia & Amara Zee: watch keeper, navigator, deckhand, bosun, cook, galley hand, shore based: day work & nanny.
I am very comfortable and adaptable to creating community, respecting & holding boundaries & taking care of myself & others within a small piece of real estate i.e. a boat. I am responsible, reliable, meticulous, professional, safe, open-minded, learn by doing, anticipate needs, comfortable, excellent listener & not afraid to ask questions. I am a non-smoker and drink responsibly (if at all). I love to see new places & immerse myself in other cultures.
For transparency sake, I do have visible tattoos (a full sleeve) + my well earned anchor tattoo after crossing the Atlantic. They are beautiful & tasteful. Wanting to be upfront so as not to waste either of our time if you find this unsuitable for any position.
Happy to send CV & Captain's Referral upon request.