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  • FredErwin

    • 27, British
    • Thailand
    • Checked in 3 hours ago

Always dreamed of doing this. Time to make it happen!

Hello potential shipmates!

Fred here. I'm an adventurous Brit currently trying to cycle around the world (or at least a good chunk of it!). I quit my job about a year ago and have cycled from England to Southeast Asia so far.

I have no seafaring experience but I have always dreamed of crossing an ocean. There are a handful of sailing YouTube channels I have watched, some for over a decade. I am fascinated by the lifestyle, the freedom, and the sustainable method of travel. I have travelled in a campervan a fair bit, on long motorbike tours, and now almost a year on my bicycle. I am used to the nomadic life and am very fine with being a bit uncomfortable. Cycle touring teaches you to embrace discomfort with the knowledge that it makes good moments that much sweeter. I get a sense that there is some of this in sailing too.

I have sailed a few weeks on tiny dinghies on a London reservoir as a kid, but that is about it I'm afraid. Former climber so not bad with a few knots. I am a lover of the ocean, and have my Rescue Diver PADI certification .

I'm a laid-back and easygoing person, am fortunate to have travelled a fair amount in my youth, and relish all opportunities to speak to / get to know people from wherever, whenever. I hope I can provide interesting and enjoyable company, and the right work ethic and mindset to help get things done :)

I am interested in any kind of sailing experience. Possibly I would ship my bicycle and equipment somewhere that we could then sail to, logistics to be coordinated but entirely doable, I am told

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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationThailand

  • NationalityBritish

  • Age27

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesEnglish

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles0 - 100

  • Required position Novice Crew
    Voluntary work

  • Expected arrangement Recreational

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