Looking for a Novice Crew, Friendship or Voluntary work position
I'm Marie-Camille, 31 yo, from France looking for a crew to join for Atlantic crossing.
I'm a novice sailor as I only practiced when I was young.
I've recently spent few days on a boat and I'm not seasick.
I practice kitesurfing.
I left my previous job for traveling the world and get new experiences. Learn sailing and use boats for moving is an important part of my project.
My goal is to travel slowly, meet nice people, share good memories and join wildlife rescue centres as volunteer.
I have time and no travel plan, so I can manage and arrange according people I will meet.
I use to travel alone with my backpack, hitchhike, in some part of the world and I like adventure.
I'm ready to learn and help on the boat.
Please contact me if you are looking for a motivated crew.