Crew experience in the Algarve, Portugal.
Hi all potential crew.
A Trident Warrior 35ft is a blue water sea-going vessel, based in Lagos, Portugal.
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I'm offering my skills as a Sailing Instructor, as the advert title is 'Learn to sail on holiday'
Therefore, with myself acquiring the RYA instructor certificate in 2022, I'm well placed to invite people along for a week's relaxation or pre-competent crew or pre day skipper.
With courses in the affiliated schools being around £1000 each, it can sometimes feel a little daunting, and people stay away from doing those courses.
What I will offer is the aft cabin for 50€ each as a contribution towards the passage or days sailing. The cabin can sleep two people, so ideally, this would be great for a couple, I won't put two strangers in there together.
We will go through the points of sail, sail trim, reefing, heaving too, common knots, MoB, and coming alongside and obviously exiting a pontoon.
That then should give you the confidence to go for the qualification and set you on a new world of adventure, chartering, or buying your own boat.
Thank you for looking at this advert.
Dave ⛵️
I helped dave fixing up Questina in february. Dave is an hilarious person with a lot of humor. We didn't get to sail much but there was always something to do, and Dave was always appreciative with the help i could offer. He is a very good teacher, he makes you feel confident and he gives a very realistic view of what sailing really is. He has super cool stories to tell, about his past and about sailing, so forget awkward silences! also, 5 stars for the food.
10th Feb 2025