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  • Valery Italian Chef

    • 51, Italian
    • Italy
    • Checked in 1 week ago

ITALIAN SOLE CHEF (or Head Chef, Chef, Cook)

Hi - I've just joined Crewbay!
I would be happy to find a position as a Head Chef, Sole Chef, 2nd Chef or Cook, so to enchant you with some of my delicious (but also healthy!) Italian menus, with some tried and tested incursions into the American, Mexican, Chinese, Greek, and British culinary traditions.

I have been nurturing for many years my great passion for cooking, also thanks to my family business restaurants based in Milan, where I was born, and in Tuscany, where I spent my childhood (about 40 years ago).
I am a people person, positive, cooperative, committed, happy to make my guests happy doing the pots, if I can say so, always paying attention to the healthy profile and nutrition facts of my menus: not only fresh sauces for pastas (such as basil "pesto", "carbonara", "amatriciana", "parmigiana" etc.), and fresh mixed salads, but also fish grilled filets, sauted vegetables and sautés, and meat lean cuts.
I love cooking light dishes, low saturated fat (fried food just when needed), moderated use of spices and salt. Good knowledge of wine (1st course of Sommelier).
I like preparing tasty appetizers and aperitifs, both alcohol and mocktails, but also chocolate pudding, apple pies, crêpes and tiramisù.

I am flexible and well organized, but of course the on-board equipment plays a relevant role (fridge capacity, availability of pots and pans, kitchen utensils etc.). A Stew is always welcome, often needed, but always necessary when the number of guests/crew regularly exceeds #13-14 (meaning this about #80 servings per day).
I am very scrupulous in budgeting, and very good at avoiding food waste; frequent provisioning always helps maintaining a high standard of quality.

Apropos of quality and cost, let me just add please an unconventional and pretty personal note: as my "core business" has been food and beverage management over the last 10 years, I do have a wide and udpated knowledge of all prices, food brands, labels, fresh food at any levels, not just the Italian ones. During my several cruises along the Mediterranean, Tirrenean and Adriatic Seas, from Corse to Sardinia, from Capri to Taormina to Croatia, I always struggled to find acceptable provisioning at a normally expensive price, because Summer time usually sees prices skyrocketing, even for the most common food.
This is why it may be of your concrete interest to take a look to the "Epicure's Lounge" Catalogue, an "added value" of mine as a Chef, that I personally conceived, worked on and created, chosing one by one a range of the best food & beverage items, specifically devoted to sailing and yachting, because they match top quality at the best price ever, second to none: ready-to-drink artisan aperitifs, snacks and dried fruit in "food service" size, organic Italian dried pasta in bulk size, amazing tomato sauces, the best saffron. This is just a "plus" I would be happy to submit you, and to provide just in case of your interest of course. This is just a chance for both of us, not a condition at all. What I guarantee the Captain and Shipowner is a proven, tremendous saving of (at least) 10 €uro (or USD) / pax / day. Which thing, btw, would partially compensate or even equal the monthly cost of the Chef h**self (myself?).

I would just like to clarify two things important to me.
1. I sometimes had the priviledge of a sole cabin and bathroom, but of course I am willing to share my cabin with a crew. Women only please.
2. I do not do the cleaning of the vessel, and this is just because I do know that the full F&B service - breakfast, lunch, tea, aperitif, dinner - with all the related and included activities such as purchasing, store-fridge managing, and perfect cleaning of the galley, cannot be integrated with any further activity: I did it once, it turned out to be a 15hours/day no-stop endeavour: I wanted to live up the demands, but once back home I promised myself it would be the last time.

Required Salary:
from 15€-USD/hr to 24€-USD/hr, depending on the vessel, number of guests and the assigned tasks. Plus transfers.
I am always happy to meet the economic Captain and Shipowner needs, so to defining a monthly or weekly forfait. My only requirement is be paid on weekly basis.
In case of long term/seasonal engagement, allow me please a few days off.

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About me

  • Availability 11th April 2024

  • LocationItaly

  • NationalityItalian

  • Age51

  • GenderFemale

  • Fluent languagesItalian, English, French, Spanish

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs Schengen visa (or EU citizenship)

  • Sea miles2,500 - 10,000

  • Required position Head Chef
    2nd Chef

  • Expected arrangement Professional

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  • Jun 2018 MCA - Food Health Safety Level II Complete

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  • Provisioning
  • Cooking
  • Microsoft office
  • Photo editing
  • Managerial Skills
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