Looking for a Novice Crew position
Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a Novice Crew. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!
Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a Novice Crew. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!
Availability Available now
LocationUnited Kingdom
Fluent languagesEnglish
VISAs None
Sea miles0 - 100
Required position
Novice Crew
Expected arrangement Recreational
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Questina II
Charlie joined me for a week in Portugal to learn the basics. He had some small dingy experience which, held him in good sted for his wind awareness. Therefore, after talking through the points of sail with him, he quickly mastered the art of helming efficiently, using the tell tales. He's very keen to learn and asks plenty of questions to confirm his understanding. We went through most of the competent crew syllabus with the exception of carrying out MoB, but he knows how to heave too, so not too far away. He knows how to use single line reefing, anchoring, some spinnaker training, tacking and gybing, preparing the boat for passage, use and the importance of log book entries, departure end entering the berth, useful knots and general house keeping. Cooking; he is a young lad, so don't expect master chef, but what he did cook was very nice, we all had to learn at some point ?. I would happily have him back anytime and for future Skippers he is a polite, positive, and will make a good team player. Thank's Charlie.
28th Jan 2024