Looking for a Captain, 1st Mate, Delivery Crew or Purser position
RYA Day skipper and working towards Yachtmaster. My wife is Competent crew.
I only have about 1000 miles experience so am competent enough to be helpful but green enough to remain very interested in learning and listening.
Qualified accountant and Risk Manager. So, fairly sensible, but love adventures. Most recent adventure was 1 year bicycling in South America with my wife.
I've got experience sailing both Catamarans and monohulls
RYA Day Skipper sailing qualified (Equivalent to ASA 104?)
PADI Advanced Open Water Driver
Chartered Accountant. Finance & Risk Management
High - 4 stroke automotive engines (not professional)
High - IT - Network infrastructure and general IT
Medium - Electronics at system level. Capable of assessing current/power requirements etc with some diagnostics
High - Financial management - Professional
Medium - Fibreglass - Small home projects
High - Bicycle repair
All things engineering and / or mechanical