Looking for a Deckhand, Chef, Solo Steward/ess or Boat sitter position
Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a Deckhand, Chef, Solo Steward/ess or Boat sitter. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!
Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a Deckhand, Chef, Solo Steward/ess or Boat sitter. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!
Availability Available now
Fluent languagesSpanish, English, German (Swiss-German)
Visible tattoosNo
VISAs None
Sea miles500 - 2,500
Required position
Solo Steward/ess
Boat sitter
Expected arrangement Professional
100% reliable
Absolutely a man of his word. A real pleasure to have made his acquaintance.
30th Mar 2023
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Well, Ithough he is...
Had no agreement whatsoever except about a monthly payment of $350 for 2 -3 hours work max per day (Mo-Fr) on my boat in the R D. Foreseen was the job for about 6 month. After an argument he turned the truth totally around and told people a lot of shit. Embezzled about $800 which were supposed to be the 2nd rate of the purchase of a motorcycle so he could room around, buy materials needed etc. All this is witnessed and proofed but well, its the R D. Strongly discourage to take this guy on your boat besides he can't do much anyway.
22nd Apr 2023