Crew & Boat sitter: Canadian sailor, instructor certs & Caribbean miles. Clean, fit, non smoker, respectful.
Enjoy good like minded people who are respectful of the boat, captain and crew. Been crewing and chartering in the Caribbean on upscale boats ( Privilege, Garcia, HH Catamaran); and seeking opportunities on similar well cared for vessels. Now a trained and experienced power boat instructor with Freedom Boat Club and recent Small Vessel Operating Certified (Canada) .Engaging of boat requirements and willing to take on tasks. I am a people person who likes to share experiences and provide / receive instruction when applicable. Not into racing from point to point unless it is in a race! Enjoy mixed crews of ages, sexes, cultural backgrounds. It is not all about the boat, but the experience of the voyage, where the boat can get you and what you can see when you get there - land & sea. Also I like to include my wife when possible, everyone enjoys her company, she is fun to be with, great in the galley, likes to explore and great at efficient provisioning.