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  • Sergio Garcia

    • 34, Spanish
    • Spain
    • Checked in 1 week ago

Couple with PER (Skipper License) looking for sailboats during summer 2025 in Mediterranean Sea - both teachers!

SUMMER 2025 / VERANO 2025 / ESTIU 2025; July and August availability

Hi, we are sealovers Júlia (30) and Sergio (34), highschool teachers from Catalunya (Júlia teaches Biology and Maths and I teach Catalan and Spanish Languages). We are looking for people to host us to sail this summer (July/August). We both have the PER (the Spanish Day Skipper license), some sailing experience and we don't get seasick. We don't smoke and we are kind, helpful calm people.

⛵ We have done several one-day sailing trips, a couple of crossings from Barcelona to Mallorca and a week sailing this past summer from Cádiz to the Algarve, going up the Guadiana. We are interested in doing hours and gaining sailing experience.

?‍??‍? In exchange we offer cooking, Catalan/Spanish and Biology/Maths classes if you have some children/teenagers on board, and help with whatever is necessary during the sailing experience.


Sergio: I’m an enthusiastic and an easy going guy. I’m also polite and fun, never looking for problems but always expecting to have a conversation or debate about different specifics topics. What can I do or how can I help? I really don’t know, but I’ll try to do my best in whatever. Cleaning, maybe cooking, helping with the boat... I want to get experience.

Actually I work as a Language teacher in Catalunya (I teach Catalan language in highschool level) since the last three years, so I have almost all summer vacations and I'm waiting for sail and have new experiences. Before that, I worked as a political journalist (I made speeches for politicians, be in contact with the media, writing press releases, ...), but I didn’t like my job and I was not happy with my life, so I decided to change completely. I also worked in a newspaper writing about sports. Now I'm waiting for learn a lot about sailing, because I'm a sea lover and I want to own my own boat for travelling, diving and enjoying this kind of life.

I’ve been in Philippines for two months and I live in Costa Brava, in the Mediterranean sea. I love snorkeling and scuba diving (I have my advanced PADI license) and I also have travelled all around Central and South America by my own. I've only sailed a little bit and I really want to learn about it. So that’s the reason I’m here, asking you if you are interested in some help. I took my PER course recently (I have my license and I can sail alone, but first af all I want to learn from experienced people to get some knowledge.

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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationSpain

  • NationalitySpanish

  • Age34

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesSpanish, English, Catalan

  • Basic knowledge ofFrench

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosYes

  • VISAs Schengen visa (or EU citizenship)

  • Sea miles500 - 2,500

  • Required position Novice Crew
    Voluntary work

  • Location preferenceMediterranean

  • Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational

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  • Jul 2023 Patrón de Embarcaciones de Recreo Complete

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  • Cooking
  • Microsoft office
  • Photo editing
  • Scuba diving
  • Tennis
  • Yoga
  • Blogger/Writer
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Teaching
  • Cleaning
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Tripulante perfecto - Perfect crewman


Ha sido una experiencia muy buena, Sergio ha sido super colaborativo en todas las tareas a bordo y hemos compartido muy buenas anécdotas. En definitiva contaría con el para cualquier travesía futura sin dudarlo. It has been a very good experience, Sergio has been super collaborative in all the tasks on board and we have shared very good anecdotes. In short, I would count on him for any future journey without hesitation.

3rd Aug 2023

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