Looking for any crewing opportunities
Offshore sail: Sternik Morskie (PZŹ, Poland).
Coastal sail: Yachtmaster (RYA, UK).
Coastal motor: Sternik Motorowodny (PZMiNW, Poland).
Power: (PZMiNW, Poland).
Theory: RYA Yachtmaster Offshore and Ocean theory.
Additional: STCW Sea Survival, STCW First Aid, RYA PPR, RYA Short Range Marine Radio Operator Certificate of Competence, ENG-1.
Experience: 14,000+ nautical miles in the Baltic, western Mediterranean, English Channel, western and northern Scotland, Irish Sea, North Sea, Frisian islands, Dutch “mast up” canals, Adriatic, Spanish and Portuguese Atlantic coasts, Biscay, Gibraltar, Caribbean, Bahamas, US east coast and ICW, as skipper and crew, on various boats crewed and single handed. See pages 2-3 for further details.
Valid US ESTA (suitable for re-entry to US territory via private boat after first arrival via commercial carrier). Don’t drive, do smoke – no other bad habits (that I’m aware of…).
Sailng, history and culture buff
Sailed delivery with Anthony, always ready to share his knowledge. Skilled sailor on a constant move. Keen to go trough every ship design awailable at sea. Englishman by nationality but European citizen of the World by character. Easy going, just don't touch his cafee. If there is no chocholate on board, no worries, he'll make one. Friendly and easy going, ready to assist. Understands shitloads of languages and also can help you correct your english speaking.
7th Jul 2023