Highly motivated novice seeking more experience on the water, build miles and friendships.
I recently passed my Day skipper theory sailing up around the Firth of Clyde off the west coast of Scotland. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and it revived a fire for sailing again that has sat quiet for too many years. Coming from one practical background in horses and wishing to follow another in Sailing.
I thoroughly enjoyed the course but have so much more to learn. I'm a practical learner. Work well in a team or on my own.
Prior to this I sailed and lived aboard a Nauticat 38 Ketch with my family when I was a young kid. Living aboard for 5 years we regularly sailed up and down the Spanish coast, Gibralter and the Baelerics before returning home to the UK and later pursuing a career in horses.
At present myself and my family recently bought another Ketch in southern europe. A beloved Gibsea 38 lifting keel. She is currently out of the water and in for repairs ready for her launch next year.
ideally looking for Solent day/night passages and along the south coast and trips to the Channel islands and back or the French coast and longer passages in the new year up towards Wales/Scottish coast.
A little about myself, my interests and my plans.
I am farmer strong. I've been called a sponge absorbing knowledge and putting it to good use. watching, learning and doing on my journey. i'm looking to build up my miles out on the open sea in different conditions, challenging even that will come with working with experienced, capable crew and a good boat.
Once my own boat is in the water. My plans are to explore europe for a few years and eventually sail her down to the Canaries and participate in the ARC.
I am fascinated by the stars and can usually talk peoples ears off for hours looking up at the milky way on a clear night, pointing out the constellations, the rising planets, nebulaes and galaxies. I also enjoy the odd bit of fiction writing. I enjoy painting, particularly watercolours and often peoples beloved pets, wild animals.
I recently passed my Day skipper theory sailing up around the Firth of Clyde off the west coast of Scotland. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and it revived a fire for sailing again that has sat quiet for too many years. Coming from one practical background in horses and wishing to follow another in Sailing. I would like to get some hands on experience, meet wonderful new characters and form strong friendships along the way and work my way up to the YM qualifications.