Qualified and experienced 1st mate / competent crew, with skipper license, marine electrical skills
I'm a friendly, easy going, open minded sailing enthusiast with a passion for the sea and nature, good technical electric/electronic skills and a solid sailing experience.
I hold an ICC power/sail coastal skipper license for pleasure boats up to 24m since 2015, and GMDSS-DSC long range radio license. Confident as either skipper, 1st mate, or competent crew, I have experience with planning, navigation & pilotage, single/short-handed sailing, instruments & electronic equipment operation and setup, watch keeping, night sailing, helming, sail trimming, docking, anchoring, med. mooring, tender driving and electric/electronic systems design, troubleshooting, maintenance and upgrading.
As far as sea experience goes, during the last 12 years I have logged 13.500+ miles cruising the Med (Aegean, Ionian, Adriatic, Tyrrhenian, Balearic and Alboran seas) including 500+ miles offshore ocean passage, aboard different sailing mono/multi-hulls up to 100ft./30m, acting as either 1st mate, watch leader, competent crew, and a few times as skipper or co-skipper.
My background is in electronics engineering, I used to work in the electronic systems design field and I have a solid knowledge and experience of marine electric and electronic systems and standards.
Fair winds and happy sailing!