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  • Alexander Bredgaard

    • 34, Denmark
    • Costa Rica
    • Checked in 8 hours ago

Novice Crew - Want to learn as much as possible about sailing before buying my own boat

My name is Alexander. I'm 34 years old and incredibly keen on exploring and learning about life on a boat. I've been travelling on and off for the past 10 years, staying longer periods in a variety of cultures, continents and work - from permaculture design projects in the mountains of Nepal to urban landscape work in a fishing village in Senegal. For 4 months I walked from the north of Portugal along the coast down to Spain while sleeping in a tent along the beaches.

I would like to learn how to sail. I'm very very eager about learning about life on a boat, since I was hoping to buy and live on a boat once I decide to go back to Denmark. I love the sea and have always felt most at peace when I'm living close to water. Besides this, I think travelling by water is an incredible way of moving and arriving places, where the journey becomes the main part of the travel, which is often what I'm looking for in my own travels

About me:
I practice Buddhism (to some extent) and meditate on a daily basis if possible. Besides this, I love to read and write myself especially with a focus on nature and alternative living. I tend to emerge myself in both small and big projects once in a while. For example, I built a shelter on a raft and lived there for a summer. I wrote a book which I'm trying to get published. The last big project was an old Mercedes truck from '82, which I converted to travel and live in. If there's a guitar available I'd definitely run my fingers through some strings. I've been working with urban design and landscape architecture since I graduated in 2017, and have ever since been moving into the field of wilderness conservation, marine biodiversity and ways to live through natures own circular principles - still working to get much more into this and trying to find ways to get much more experience.

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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationCosta Rica

  • NationalityDenmark

  • Age34

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesEnglish, Danish

  • Basic knowledge ofGerman, Spanish

  • Visible tattoosYes

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles0 - 100

  • Required position Novice Crew

  • Expected arrangement Recreational

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