Looking for a Novice Crew position on an offshore trip to the Islands
I have no blue water sailing experience but I would be keen to join a boat sailing from NZ to the pacific Islands or the Islands back to nz. Im keen to see if blue water sailing would be somthing Im into and keen to learn all about boats and how to operate them and maintain them.
A builder by trade I have spent the last almost 10yrs building suspension bridges in the nz back and front country, also ocasionally painting steel structures primarily lighthouses/maritime nz contracts.
Some skills I have that may or may not be relevant,
-painting skills
-some plant mantenace skills
-building skills
-rigging skills
-rope access skills
-cooking skills
I feel like working in the back country has made me a good team player in a small team that might share some similaritys with a yacht sailing offshore? job durations are often three to four weeks in the back country with a small team working and living cooking camping sharing jobs around the camp, literally living and working in each others laps and getting to know each other very well. Its interesting to note that a team dynamic can make a job or make it a living hell so im very open to getting to know a potential crew/team well if possible before we embark?1
Some of my hobbies and interests are Paragliding, Climbing, Mountaineering, Tramping, Reading.
Travel, I have lived and worked in italy as a builder for over a year and I have lived and worked in India seasonally for almost 5 years as a senior jump master.
I did quite a bit of dinghy sailing when I was a teenager in the bay of islands and crewed on keelers, but to make it quite clear I can only market myself as a novice beginner sailer.
I have no relevant boating tickets or competencys.