Looking for a 1st Mate, Captain or Deckhand position
My name is Vitor Manuel Coelho Raposo
I Live in Amsterdam, and I am writing to you to show my professional interest .
I am confident that I have all the necessary qualifications, experience and skills .
I was a lifeguard for 7 years,
My last job was for the Portuguese Navy professional in Search and rescue missions, specialized Rescue swimmer and Skipper.
Sar experience in Mediterranean and Atlantic ocean, Ability to plan and repair/Boats maintenance.
5 years of experience working in rescue missions on fast boats at sea for long hours or days with skills/experience advanced first aid .
I am knowledgeable about navigation, propulsion engines, I also have 8 year's experience operating various types of vessels.
I take safety seriously and I am aware of all the dangers of operating a boat. I take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety and crew.
Best regards Vitor Raposo