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  • Leander000000

    • 18, Germany
    • Indonesia
    • Checked in 4 hours ago

From Langkawi to Singapore

Hello everyone!

My name is Leander, I‘m 18 years old and I live in a small village in southern Germany.

I would like to join a crew sailing from Langkawi to Singapore.

This is the end of my 8 month trip and I’ll fly back to Germany on the 22.03. from Singapore. I was dreeming of hitchhiking a sailing vessel, but I couldn’t accomplish that yet.

I know I‘m asking for a big favour because I have no sailing experience. I‘m trying to learn as much as I can in advance (how to nod, how to interpret the ship‘s lights, how to fish, etc.) and of course I am willing to do any kind of work needed on board and to prepare the vessel.

I’m aware of the importance of respecting privacy on board. I‘m keen to learn more about sailing. My father has a small sailing boat, but he has stopped sailing a few years ago, so unfortunately I was never able to join him.

Useful facts about me:
I can play and teach guitar. I enjoy cooking a lot. I‘m a lifeguard-certified swimmer. I‘m fluent in german, french and english and can make basic conversation in Bahasa Indonesia. I have spend many hours on small and large boats between the Indonesian islands without ever getting seasick, but I do carry medication just in case. I’m physically fit. I eat anything and I‘m not picky.

If anyone is looking for company or a helping hand (or can help me in any way), feel free to contact me:

Have a nice day!

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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationIndonesia

  • NationalityGermany

  • Age18

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesGerman, French, English

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles0 - 100

  • Required position Voluntary work
    Mile building
    Novice Crew

  • Location preferenceSouth East Asia

  • Expected arrangement Recreational

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