Looking for a 1st Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer or Marine mechanic position
Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a 1st Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer or Marine mechanic. I hold a third engineer unlimited ticket and I have 5 years of experience. Looking for a job on a sailing yacht just out of my passion I have for the sea. I’ve worked on bulk carriers, cruise ships and ferries. I have an excellent understanding of marine engines and auxiliary machinery of all kinds. I believe the knowledge and experience I have gained over the years on commercial vessels will be very useful in any scenario. Unfortunately I have 0 sailing experience and this is what am here for. I'm looking forward to experience the sea life using the power of the winds, meet knew people and have new experiences. Even if I am not what you are looking for exactly don’t hesitate to contact me, I am a very active, fit and get a grasp of things very fast.
Thank you for your time.