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  • The Sailing Goldsmiths

    • 14m Kelsall 44 catamaran
    • Australia
    • Checked in 2 days ago

Watch: This is us

We are the sailing goldsmiths and are looking for crew.

We are full time live aboard, check our social media and send us a message there.
We are sometime looking for crew, when we are, we like to fill up the boat with 5 crew and have an amazing time. Angela loves to craft and I love to fish/spearfish.
The crew will be involved in the every day running of the boat, some cleaning and cooking. Some watch during passage. We will teach you how to sail, spearfish, fish and how to live on a boat off grid.
Some Crew will have their own cabin and some will sleep on the sofa in the saloon, actually the best bed. We have diving, snorkeling, fishing , spearfishing equipment.
Itinerary change depending where we are, usually summer between Sydney and Brisbane and winter up to Cairns, passing farzer, Lady Musgrave, all the little islands of the Whitsundays and more. Mostly day sailing.
Enjoying the beaches and snorkeling.
No skills required.
Will be asking around $40 a day to cover the cost of food, cooking gas, dinghy fuel, marina fees, replacement of fishing lures, speargun rubber, etc... Will go to the bottle shop and split the bill evenly, mostly cask wines, cask port, beers and rum.
Non smoker.
Could take crew for a week or longer depending where we are.
The next journey is to the Whitsundays early March.
Some weekend around Moreton bay after New year's.
Come along, meet new people or with your friends.

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  • Crew positionNovice Crew

  • Availability Available now for the foreseeable future

  • Expenses to/from vesselPaid by crew

  • Expenses onboardContribution on a shared basis

  • Team / SoloNot important

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  • TypeSailing Yacht

  • Make/modelKelsall 44 catamaran

  • Length14 metres

  • Berth7

  • Sailing from Australia , Brisbane

  • Sailing to Australia , Airlie Beach

  • Language spoke aboardEnglish

  • Boat descriptionShe perform well, but we are not racing.

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  • Age0

  • Sea Miles

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